
Sara Perez

Photo by Steve Hendershot.

Hi, I'm Sara, but Ra works too! I build small things, with a whole lot of heart and a lot of sass.  I started my creative life at camp and in the dance studio, where I learned to dance with the trees and stare up at the stars. Oh, and cook a chicken in a coffee can. 

My embroidery brings a neo-granny aesthetic to life, taking a medium that was previously a quiet past time for women and flipping it on its head. Bringing wild flowers, mountains, feminist sayings, and snark to a hand embroidered good near you.

I used to dance, modern and ballet if you must know, but I quickly learned I'd rather be making the costumes. When costuming a dance I get to travel through the choreographers creative process with them. Helping to bring an idea to reality and then getting to watch it move on stage. There's nothing like it. 

Let's make something together.